Book a workshop

Abortion 101

These introductory workshops were designed for a general audience and no previous knowledge of abortion is needed. Each workshop can be adapted for a specific audience (e.g. type of professional, company, age group, context) or combined for a longer more comprehensive workshop.

An introduction to the legal and social context of abortion, common barriers, and types of abortion available. Relevant for anyone wanting to learn more about abortion, including those who work in health and social service fields.

An introduction to abortion stigma, the different types of stigma, how it manifests on different levels, and how anyone can challenge it in their daily life.

Abortion 201

These workshops are designed for people who work, volunteer, or advocate in an abortion context. They don’t include an introduction or overview of abortion in Canada and the types of abortion since it’s assumed that participants will already have general knowledge on these topics.

Participants will be guided through an honest exploration of their values and biases when it comes to abortion, and how they may show up in our interactions with others. By bringing the unconscious into awareness without judgment, participants will be supported in identifying personal boundaries and limits.

Together we’ll explore the potential impacts and challenges of abortion support roles, abortion stigma, how to create space for self-support, and the importance of building community with others who are engaged in abortion work and advocacy.

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